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Business Marketplace (BM) develops and supports entrepreneurship, which makes it understand and believe that the risk and effort to build a business deserves a professional, straightforward, and honest presentation to both seller and buyer. BM hereby promise to adhere to the following Code of Ethics in all our business activities at all times. Actually we set higher obligations than those of ordinary business dealing, in any instances where the Code of Ethics and the law conflicts, the obligations of the law must take precedence.


BM must not withhold any information that a client should know of and it must not breach the general public trust in the profession or the specific trust of our clients. Strict observance of accepted standards of honesty and integrity must be observed in all of our professional decisions and actions. We view integrity as our core value.


BM must not disclose information acquired in the course of our professional work except where formal consent has been obtained or where there is a legal or professional duty to disclose. We must pledge to protect our clients’ confidentiality at all times. And we must not use such information for our personal advantage or that of a third party.


BM must pledge to protect and promote the interests of our clients. This obligation of absolute loyalty and honesty to our Client's interest is primary, but does not relieve us from the obligation of dealing fairly with all parties to the business opportunity transaction.


BM must make every reasonable effort to protect the public and all parties in a transaction against fraud, misrepresentation, or unethical practices in the area of business opportunity transaction. We must discharge all of our duties to our clients with due care and due diligence. We have a responsibility to recommend that clients use attorneys and tax accountants for independent advice on transactions.

At the outset it’s important to consider whether you really understand what's involved and whether you're suited to business and self employment. Examine these questions:


BM must not deny equal professional services to any person for reasons of race, creed, sex, or country of national origin. We must not be a party to any plan or agreement to discriminate against a person or persons on the basis of race, creed, sex, or country of national origin.


BM is committed to continually improve our professional competence and to keep our knowledge up-to-date. We will not undertake professional assignments which we are not competent to perform or not able to complete and, if in doubt, must obtain such advice and assistance as will enable the work to be carried out completely and competently.

BM, for the protection of all parties with whom we deals, should see that financial obligations and commitments regarding business opportunity transactions of which we are a part are in writing, expressing the exact agreement of the parties. We should also see that copies of such agreements are placed in the hands of all parties involved.
